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LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND Österreich verarbeitet Ihre allgemeinen Daten, um Ihre Anfrage zu verwalten und Mitteilungen über seine Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu versenden.Sie haben Rechte in Bezug auf Ihre personenbezogenen Daten (Zugang, Löschung, Einspruch, Berichtigung ....). Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request.. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. Mit dem Absenden Ihrer Anfrage erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass notwendige Daten zur Beantwortung dieser Anfrage (z. B. E-Mail-Adresse) übermittelt werden. Weitere Hinweise erhalten Sie in unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. LEGRAND processes your general data to manage your request and send communications about its products and services. You have rights to your personal data (access, erasure, objection, rectification ....). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information. My personal data are shared with Legrand partners for the purpose of processing this request. Markieren Sie dieses Kästchen, um Ihr Einverständnis anzuzeigen By ticking this box, I agree with Legrand's general sales and service conditions for the product I request maintenance or commissioning for. In case you do not have a maintenance or intervention contract with us, we will send you a personalized offer to be approved. By ticking this box, I agree with Legrand's general sales and service conditions for the product I request maintenance or commissioning for. In case you do not have a maintenance or intervention contract with us, we will send you a personalized offer to be approved. By ticking this box, I agree with Legrand's general sales and service conditions for the product I request maintenance or commissioning for. In case you do not have a maintenance or intervention contract with us, we will send you a personalized offer to be approved. By ticking this box, I agree with Legrand's general sales and service conditions for the product I request maintenance or commissioning for. In case you do not have a maintenance or intervention contract with us, we will send you a personalized offer to be approved. By ticking this box, I agree with Legrand's general sales and service conditions for the product I request maintenance or commissioning for. In case you do not have a maintenance or intervention contract with us, we will send you a personalized offer to be approved. [crm_general_condition:text_de] [crm_general_condition:text_at] [crm_general_condition:text_ch] account_classification_parent_list - None -CL1-04CL1-09CL1-08CL1-03CL1-02CL1-05CL1-01CL1-07CL1-06 Country_list - None -BelgiumNetherlandsGreecePortugalSpainTurkeyEstoniaLatviaLithuaniaFinlandSwedenIcelandDenmarkNorwayGermanyAustriaUkraineSwitzerland